How to Get Away with Murder

Nope. I did not commit anything of such things and never will be. I am a good person,
don't worry. ;)

This is actually the title of an American drama television series that I am currently addicted to. Addicted means you just started their pilot episode one week ago, and you are already on its current episode. There was even a time that I have been watching it for 7 hours straight! And, that is 10 episodes of 43 minutes each in one sitting! Yes. That's how I'm into it. Not to mention that it's the very first American series that I have watched. I guess, there's always room for everything. 

( photo via google )

This series is all about a professor of defense law, with her five students, getting away to the serious crime they have committed. And I was totally amazed on how they were able to escape from it, at the moment. We know that when you committed something which is against the law, you should be punished. But upon watching this series, I came to a realization that when you are inside a courtroom, it doesn't matter who's telling the truth. It's about who gathered enough evidences to pin it to someone else, or alibis that you are not the suspect, and how convincing your statements are. Basically, you should be a good actor in front of the people inside the courtroom.

I know justice shouldn't work that way. They should be protecting the victim and their families. Not the other way around. But I know that it doesn't happens all the time (hopefully) and to be clear, no one knows what happens at the time of the crime scene, right? No one. But themselves.

For all we know, karma is always there. You might be able to get away with it today. But who knows if you will still be able to go home safe and have a good night sleep? Worse things happen when you least expect it. 

Anyway, as I have mentioned above, I am already on its current episode. I'm really psyched to what will happen next because their lives are totally messed up. This series never fail to surprised me on how the characters were able to solve things their ways. Kudos to HTGAWM team!!
